From the Pastor's Desk:

One thing we see and notice more and more is this: Christians seem to be living in defeat. Our Christian experience is one of victory! We have victory over sin! We have victory over death! We have victory over Satan! When Jesus Christ died on the cross and then rose from the dead, He (and He alone) conquered sin and death! Jesus defeated Satan. And, although most, if not all, Christians believe that ... they still somehow manage to live their lives defeated. Many Christians have lost the joy of their salvation. Many have allowed Satan to rob them of a joyful, victorious life in the Lord. But it does not have to be that way. God does not want us to live that way. He has given us the victory! He wants us to feel joyful and be victorious. And He has given us the tools and methods to obtain this. First, we must recognize that temptation is a normal experience; but we do not have to be controlled by it because Christ lives in us. Then we must latch on to the knowledge that God's Word is needed in our Christian growth. In addition, prayer is a must for every believer. And finally, we gain victory when we yield our lives to the will and purpose of God.
Today, be encouraged. Live victorious. Do not be defeated. Walk with the Lord!
Pastor Randy


Thank you for visiting our website. We are a Southern Baptist Church that has been in our community for over 60 years. A lot has changed in our society during that time, but one thing that has not changed at Grace is the consistent, vibrant, down-to-earth preaching and teaching of the Bible, God's holy, infallible Word. Thank you again for visiting us. May God bless and keep you in His care as you live your life for Him. 

 Randall Forsythe,  Pastor


Service Times

Sunday School       9:30 am

Sunday Morning   10:30 am 

Wednesday Eve      6:00 pm