From the Pastor's Desk:
Today I am continuing with my series of sermons on "The Day of the Lord." As we have learned, the "Day of the Lord," refers to events and/or time periods in which God either personally directs or allows certain cataclysmic events, natural disasters, or wars, to fall upon His people. These "events" are then actually "judgments" or "chastisements" from God. He does this in order to get a person's or nation's attention for the sole purpose of returning that person or nation back to Him.
Today, as I preach, I want us to focus on "The Day of the Lord" as it pertains to the time of "the end of the ages" ... specifically when God destroys the heavens and the earth by fire. The Apostle Peter gives us insight as to when this conflagration (large, destructive fire) will come. Very quickly after the 7 Year Tribulation comes to an end, God will destroy the earth by fire. He will once and for all rid the world of all evil and sin. But then ... also very quickly ... God will restore the heavens and the earth. The "new earth" will be one of complete righteousness! It is there where we (Christians/believers) will reign with Jesus Christ forever and ever! I can only imagine what that will be like!
Pastor Randy